Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Covid - the situation in France - timetable for May and June

Timetable May 19 - June 30 - 2021:

May 19 - Terrasses (bars and restaurants) will reopen with a maximum of 6 persons per table. Evening clock from 21.00

June 9 - With a "pass sanitaire" people will be able to travel from and into France. Evening clock from 23.00

June 15 - Night clubs will re-open. 

June 30 - Evening clock will disappear

Hope to meet you soon! In the meantime stay safe and healthy!

Tijdlijn Mei 19 - Juni 30 - 2021:

Mei 19 - Terrassen (bars en restaurants) heropenen met een maximum van 6 personen per tafel. Avondklok tot 21.00 uur.

Juni 9 - Met een "pass sanitaire" kunnen mensen "vrij" van en naar Frankrijk reizen.. Avondklok tot 23.00 uur.

Juni 15 - Nachtclubs weer open 

Juni 30 - Avondklok verdwijnt.

Blijf gezond en graag tot ziens !

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Zoom tastings by JoliSoleil - enjoy a wine tasting with friends and colleagues all over the world from your own home and stay safe.

 You can do it too  Organize a wine tasting in your home(s) or offices (in multiple countries) at the same time. The tasting wines can be shipped worldwide in advance, so you will taste and compare the same bottles everywhere.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Travel Reopening: Country by Country Guide

Several countries have begun to ease their domestic lockdown rules. You can stay up to date with each country’s imposed travel restrictions and revised rules using the table below. The table contains a list of popular countries and their updated policies regarding the lockdown status, international travel restrictions, visa rules as well as the current number of active COVID-19 cases. The table also contains a link to the official government website where you can find more authoritative answers to your questions.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Covid 19 - traveling in 2020 : our precautions / onze voorzorgsmaatregelen

As Europe and in particular France and Italy are slowly opening up, we would like to share some precautions we took for our future tours with you:
  • Clean / hygiene. We have face masks and desinfectants (for people and our car or minibus) available 
  • Private tours: As we offer small private tours you can be confident that we can avoid crowded restaurants, tasting rooms, etc.
  • Hotels and restaurants: All hotels and restaurants must and will follow the rules. Still we can recommend places where they clean  often and really give you space.
  • Social distancing: As we travel with small private groups it is easy for us to avoid crowded places when tasting wines, have lunch or dinner and also visiting places of intrest in cities and villages.
  • Cancellation policies. With all the uncertainties we keep on being very flexible with changes or cancellations. Postponing one of our tours booked via us or thru one of our partners can be done without any extra costs, even when you postpone into 2021 ! If necessary you can postpone your tour(s) more than once for free, because lockdowns and flight regulations can change. 

Nu Europa en speciaal Frankrijk en Italie, langzaam weer open gaan voor vakantiegangers, willen we u graag vertellen welke voorzorgsmaatregelen we genomen hebben:
  • Hygiene. We hebben gratis mondmaskers en desinfectiemiddelen (voor uw handen en onze auto of minibus) beschikbaar.
  • Prive tours: Omdat we kleinschalige prive tours doen kunnen we u rondleidingen aanbieden, waarbij we drukte in restaurants, proeflokalen en ook op historische plaatsen in dorpen en stadjes kunnen vermijden.
  • Hotels en restaurants: Alle hotels en restaurants moeten natuurlijk aan de regels voldoen. Op verzoek kunnen we U adviseren over plaatsen waar bijvoorbeeld extra vaak wordt schoon gemaakt en/of waar u echt de ruimte heeft.
  • Social distancing: Omdat we touren met kleine prive groepen is het relatief gemakkelijk voor ons om drukke plaatsen te vermijden bij onze proeverijen, bij lunch en/of diner en bij het bezoeken van de highlights in dorpen en stadjes.
  • Tour cancel voorwaarden. Met alle onzekerheden blijven we zeer flexibel bij uw afzeggingen of wijzigingen.  De tourdata wijzigen bijvoorbeeld kan meerdere keren gratis. En U mag ook uitstellen tot in 2021. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2020 - Traveling and touring to and in France - Reizen naar en in Frankrijk

After June 15 the situation will be as follows / Na 15 juni is de situatie als volgt:

EU citizens are allowed to travel free within Europe. So people from EU countries can go on a holiday within Europe and do (wine) tours. / Na 15 juni mag binnen de EU weer vrij worden gereisd. Dat betekent dat mensen vanuit Nederland vanaf dat moment weer in Frankrijk op vakantie kunnen en mogen (wijn) touren.

For people coming form outside of Europe, traveling in France is not yet possible. Expect a decision end of June / Voor mensen van buiten Europa wordt later in juni een beslissing verwacht over het open gaan van de grenzen.

Musea etc. are all open again. Outside of Paris bars and restaurants are also open, inside and outside on terraces. You have to keep at least 1 meter distance and wearing a facemask might apply./ Musea etc. zijn weer open. Bars, restaurants en terrassen eveneens; buiten Parijs mag u ook  binnen verblijven. U dient minimaal 1 meter afstand te bewaren. Zorg voor een mondmasker!

If you/we are allowed to (privately) tour again be sure that we have hand disinfectants and face masks available. We are (as always) touring with small private groups of maximum 8 people./ Als u/we weer kunnen touren, weet dan dat wij handdesinfectie middelen en mondmaskers beschikbaar hebben. Wij touren met kleine groepen van maximaal 8 personen.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Corona virus

The coronavirus outbreak has left people around the world wondering whether they should cancel or postpone pending travel plans.

Postponing one of our tours booked via us or thru one of our partners can be done without any extra costs, even when you postpone into 2021 !

If necessary you can postpone your tour(s) more than once, because lock downs and flight regulations can change. 
Please follow up on the (temporarily) restriction rules from your governments and local authorities. It is not only about your health but also the health of other people.
People cannot travel for a holiday into France from outside of Europe momentarily. Within France there is also a travel ban which will last at least to May 11  2020.
The situation after May 11 is described under here. If you need an explanation or translation mail us!

If you’re one of the many people feeling anxious about an upcoming trip, remember that while your decision to stay or go should always prioritise safety, that decision should be based on facts instead of fear.
Stay safe and healthy !
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