Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Wine shipping costs to the USA in 2020 - an increase of "only" Euro 1,45 per bottle

For wine shippings to the USA in 2020 the break even point still lies at about 18 bottles or more, like in 2018 and 2019. That is: the price per bottle shipped at 18+ bottles will be Euro 11,12 per bottle in 2020

This means a rise of "only" Euro 1,45 per botle compared to 2019, when it was Euro 9,67. 
The insurance costs stay at 2,5 % over the value with a minimum of Euro 25,=

Last but not least: as always, you do NOT pay the french TVA tax (20%) over the buying price of the bottle(s) here in France which of course sponsors your net shipping costs as always !.
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