Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oh Alsace, you gave us the Easter bunny too!

As children our lives are filled with little traditions, passed on from generation to generation, however; when we are asked when did this tradition start and where did it come from, those passing it to us really do not know. All they know is their parents gave it to them, and so on and so forth, but where it came from originally seems timeless.

Where did the Easter bunny come from? Well there are legends that go very far back in time and were passed down orally in cultures. The Easter bunny is a fantastic symbol of childhood bringing in spring with colored eggs, bits of chocolate and sometimes toys to the children the night before Easter. This is very strongly rooted in the idea of spring, new beginnings and fertility.

Georg Franck von Franckenau, first wrote about this in his book De ovis paschalibus, (About the Easter Egg), and funny it was an Easter Hare, (not exactly the same as a rabbit) and the adverse effects of eating too many Easter eggs.

Recording this in the early 17th century is very interesting, but still more interesting is the origins of the story itself going back to Holy Roman Empire, and basically first showing up in Germany and around the Upper Rhineland and Alsace.

The United States recieved this custom from German settlers namely Penneslyvania Dutch.

In Alsace the tradition of color eggs is still going strong, and if you visit with us in spring we can arrange to take you to the colored egg festival

Here in Alsace if you visit with us in the spring, you will be sure to see many Easter decorations everywhere. All of the villages do a very nice job of decorating for this much loved tradition. One favorite also is Easter Lamb, which is not meat but a cake backed in a mold to shape like a lamb. 

L'oeuf en habit de fĂȘte - Egg in festive dress, is offered each year in Alsace.

Biggest painted egg market in all of France.
Artists and artisans from all over Europe - France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Netherlands, Hungary - will exhibit their works and will demonstrate their skills. 
In addition to exhibitors, workshops will be offered during the two days: 

Relay Regional Cultural Pierre Schiele host the 25th edition of the exhibition. 
Saturday 5th: 9:30-19h  and 
Sunday, 6 April 2014: 9:30 am-18h . 
Price 3 to 4 euros.

This year in Alsace Easter is on 4/20 and Easter Monday on 4/21

Cheers and Happy Easter!

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